Ahoy, seafarers!

The MRMCDs got their swimming badge 20 years ago and are raising their flag under the motto “Land Ahoy?” this year.

The digital realm is a stormy ocean full of unknown dangers. Script-Seafarers lurk in the depths of the internet, only waiting to hijack our systems and plunder our data. Everytime we think we’ve seen the most bizarre deap-sea fishes, a new image generator emerges from the deep blue and arms up. But don’t be afraid, because we have the best sailors in the field on board to guide you through the rough sea of cybercrime.

Join us from October 3rd to 6th 20204 while we drop anchor in Darmstadt one day longer than usual and dare to look through the periscope in hopeful spirits. Traditionally, topics of the event span IT-Security, data protection, eGovernment and hacker culture. But current societal issues such as the criminalization of civil sea rescue through fake news, deepfakes, machine learning, “AI & copyright” and other depths of the seven seas may also take up space on the navigation bridge.

Of course, other unusual insights into exciting research areas will also take place during the conference. In addition to sessions about current topics from various areas of IT and the diverse hacker culture you will probably be able to experience maritime items beyound the seven seas.

All in all, the MRMCD fishes in all waters of interest to “Chaos People”.

The MetaRhineMainChaosDays (MRMCD) are an IT-Conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) since 2004 with a slight topical focus on IT-Security. Since the beginning, the event takes place in coperation with regional CCC groups, local universities and research institutions, as well as friendly associations. Besides a high-quality conference programme the MRMCD offers a relaxed deep dive into diverse topics with numerous IT-Experts within an informal atmosphere.

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