TL;DR: The sea is calling! We’re taking proposals, starting now:

We’re looking for crew members of all IT-Fields and would be happy if you could help us discovering the digital oceans.

Our focus lies - among other things - on network navigation and cryptography, the development of free software above and below sea level and the use of autonomous nautic drones.

The MRMCD dockyard has one of the biggest centers for the recovery of sunk costs, as well as a locksmith’s shop to stuff data leaks and vulnerabilities. That’s why it’s the ideal environment to advance your nautic research projects.

The interests of our participants spans across all fields of information technology - and beyond. You can find our ship’s logbook and past years destinations in our archive.

Are you ready for a new adventure? Then grab your rubber duckies and head for MRMCD!

Please sunmit your proposals until July 28th 2024 via our Portal. We appreciate your ideas, even if they don’t quite fit our theme. All proposals will receive feedback until August 12th whether they were accepted. As speakers you can expect an all-round treatment in our wardroom.

For all further questions about the MRMCD you can send our crew a message in a bottle. You may also attach all public telegrams and faxes with the hashtag #mrmcd2024.

The MetaRhineMainChaosDays (MRMCD) are a yearly conference by the Chaos Computer Club which takes place since 2004. It is organized by the non-profit MRMCD e.V. in cooperation with local hackspaces, CCC groups and surrounding universities. This year, the conference will take place during the first October weekend (October 3rd - 6th) in the Piloty building (S2|02) of the Technical University Darmstadt.

To Harbor
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© 2024 MRMCD e.V.